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All fitness courses are run by Ella Proietti - a professional, experienced Fitness Instructor and Personal Trainer whose passion is to help you achieve a strong, lean and flexible dancer's body with no dance or ballet experience needed.
Ella specialises in Barre Concept, Mat Pilates, Stretch and Dance classes and is a member of The Chartered Institute for the Management of Sport and Physical Activity
The Barre Concept workout will help you to:
- tighten up all your muscles (even the ones you didn't know existed...)
- flatten your tummy
- sculpt your arms (with weights!)
- create a strong, toned bootie
- improve your posture, balance and coordination
- increase your strength and flexibility
- increase your 'happy' hormones
Each class will offer beginner options = everyone has to start somewhere!
"If it doesn't challenge you, it won't change you"
Try your 1st class for £10 only!
The courses are suitable for all ages and levels - from complete beginners to those of you who are very familiar with the Barre workout - no ballet experience required!
'Low Impact Barre' and Mat Pilates classes are available and suitable for the Older Adults (active 'Over 60s') and for anyone with low fitness levels.

What is Barre Concept?
Barre Concept combines the precision of pilates with the moves, grace and technique of ballet, alignment of yoga and the strength from sports conditioning - a unique low impact but high intensity workout that sculpts and tightens your entire body, especially your legs and bum, flattens your abs and sculpts your arms very quickly.
Each class incorporates small weights, stretch bands. pilates balls and even loop bands which add the extra 'burn' to your lower body.
What is Mat Pilates with Floor Barre?
It is a full body mat workout that will strengthen your core, tone your entire body, and help you improve your posture, flexibility and stability.
It also combines elements of a regular barre class and incorporates pilates balls, stretch bands and even small weights.

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